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Gold Pan Kit

Gold Pan Kit

Now  $67.15

Sale RRP $79.00

Garrett Metal Detectors are distributed in Australia by Garrett Australia and sold by Authorised Dealers listed on our website. Consumers purchasing from unauthorised internet retaillers are warned that the product they are purchasing is not covered under the Manufacturers warranty and that they are buying at their own risk. Substandard and Counterfeit Garrett products are in circulation and Garrett Australia have received numerous complaints of poor quality Metal Detectors branded as Garrett Metal Detectors. Garrett Metal Detectors are made in the USA, are individually serialised and are made to the highest quality standards. Garrett Metal Detectors for sale outside our dealer network cannot be verified as genuine Garrett Metal Detectors.

All prices are in AUD | Copyright 2025 Garrett Australia | Garrett Australia is an Authorised Garrett Metal Detectors Distributor